Using Stunnel to Allow Legacy Apps and Devices that do not support SSL POP3 or TLS SMTP to Connect to Office 365

I’ve been busy lately assisting with a number of Office 365 migrations. Every single one is different and while many are straightforward, In some cases, you will find applications or devices that don’t support the requirements for connecting to Office 365 using TLS or SSL or they may not even work over standard ports such as 587. Working with one SMB recently, they had a critical Line of Business application that was written internally and can no longer be maintained by anyone in-house. They had identified a path forward however we still needed to keep the app running for around 6 months post migration to Office 365. 

This is where stunnel, which is a TLS Proxy comes in handy.  Grab the latest version from the stunnel website and install it.  This little TLS/SSL proxy tool allows for us to listen for standard For our purposes we will install the Service instance so that it is always running whenever the server reboots.  Once installed we can start building our configuration file. I’ve outlined a simple one below;

#Basic Configuration for Microsoft Office 365 POP3 and SMTP 
output = stunnel-log.txt 
[POP3 Incoming] 
client = yes 
accept =
verifyChain = yes
CAfile = ca-certs.pem 
connect = 

[SMTP Outgoing] 
client = yes 
protocol = smtp 
accept = 
verifyChain = yes
CAfile = ca-certs.pem
connect =

This allows any application local on the same server as sTunnel to connect up to SMTP and POP3 on the standard ports then push this onto Office 365. We’re also pushing everything to a log file If you have issues with certificates the remove the verifyChain and CAFile lines which will prevent stunnel from attempting to verify the cert we receive from Office 365. If you are looking at doing IMAP or even need to do more with stunnel, see the example config files for more.

Get a list of users in Active Directory who have not logged in for specified number of days using PowerShell

A client is currently in the planning stages of doing a migration to Azure AD and Office 365 and one of the things we needed was a list of users who have not logged on in the last few months but are still active in our AD.

Well it’s PowerShell to the rescue again (with Visual Studio Code my IDE of choice) with the following snippet of code which will query an AD environment looking for accounts which haven’t been touched in this case for 90 days and give me a nice CSV of their name and last logon timestamp.

import-module ActiveDirectory 
$domain = "" 
$DaysInactive = 90
$time = (Get-Date).Adddays(-($DaysInactive))
# Get AD Users with lastLogonTimestamp less than time specified and is enabled
Get-ADUser -Filter {LastLogonTimeStamp -lt $time -and enabled -eq $true} -Properties LastLogonTimeStamp |
# Output Name and lastLogonTimestamp attributes into CSV
select-object Name,@{Name="Stamp"; Expression={[DateTime]::FromFileTime($_.lastLogonTimestamp).ToString('yyyy-MM-dd')}} | export-csv Inactive_Users.csv -notypeinformation

Save the above into a PS1 and then run this on a server which has the AD PowerShell modules (usually one of your DCs) and will then create a CSV located where the script is with a list of all the users who are still enabled but haven’t logged on in your environment.