So I’m working on getting all of our external systems connected into the CrowdStrike Next-Gen SIEM as part of our internal Falcon Complete tenancy. Following the documentation in the CrowdStrike portal, getting and installing the Log Collector and setting up the connector were a pretty straightforward affair. I’ve got a Windows VM setup as a […]
I was recently decommissioning an old file and print server and one of the final tasks on our list was moving printers from one to another. It’s been a while since I’ve done this using vanilla print management, but happy to know there is now an import/export wizard for Printers. Since the source is 2019 […]
I was recently helping out a colleague in implementing and testing some new conditional access policies around Geo Blocking and we wanted to understand if what we had setup was going to work. Traditionally this can be quite difficult depending on your scenarios, however Microsoft have recently introduced What If, so that you can test […]
I have a usb of Ventoy in my everyday carry, it has Windows, Linux and Recovery images and has saved my bacon a number of times over the years. In my lab environment outside of the VM Host it can often be difficult to get exactly what I need loaded quickly, especially when my bag […]
One of our FortiWeb clients is releasing a new app and they’ve requested us to block IPs not associated with Australia. There are a number of ways we can achieve this whether it’s via the FortiWeb, a FortiGate in front or other methods. In this instance, we’ll be using the FortiWeb IP Protection feature. This […]
So I’ve known about PingCastle and Purple Knight for a little while now and have used them for on-premises audits and Azure AD audits a while back. I recently stumbled on Maester which is a testing framework that can be used to automate testing for your Entra environment. I finally had some time to give […]
Quick one but I’ve spent a bit of time today cleaning up the backend and loaded a new theme. I’ve also started to clean-up older articles to make sure the fit with the new theme and block editor of WordPress (as I’ve continued to use the “classic” style for quite some time). More articles and […]
We have a customer who has a few back office staff in the Philippines and we need to get them around a Geo-Block for a particular website they need as part of their role. The customer has a split-tunnel SSL-VPN in the AWS Sydney Region, we can look to route the traffic via the SSL-VPN […]
Despite all the things people say about Connectwise, I still hold ScreenConnect or Connectwise Control close to my heart as one of the best support and remote access tools out there. It’s light, friendly and easy to use for support staff and end users and just gets the job done. I look after our own […]
An old draft I’ve had for a while, just posting for posterity and safe keeping. So I’ve done a few upgrades to my VM Host machine and decided to go up to Windows Server 2016, once installed and at the desktop, I found my onboard LAN port wasn’t coming up, so I downloaded the driver […]
Vendors tend to lock down the type of transceivers you can use on their SFP/SFP+ and QSFP ports. They do this for a number of reasons but mainly in the spirit of support and quality (which I can understand). there are a number of guidelines around agreed upon by networking vendors that fall under Multi-Source […]
I had a customer call up and explain their Power BI reports had stopped working, they’re not managed so after working a few things out we got to work and jumped into their Datawarehouse environment in AWS. After a quick look we could see that their RDS SQL Server instance had TLS turned on and […]
Time is more critical in Active Directory than many admins realise. Time inaccuracy can cause logs to mismatch or things like license failures for anything with DRM. Larger time differences can begin to cause authentication failures since Keberos relies on accurate time or affect replication health. By default, all AD member machines synchronise with any […]
Quick one – I’m doing some testing in my home lab environment with Windows 11 and this box doesn’t have a TPM (so it’s not enabled in Hyper-V). Booting up the Windows 11 iso and trying to install will tell you that it’s unsupported. To get around that, load the setup as normal and once […]
Quick one today where I was on a client server hosted in AWS that wasn’t activated. Trying to activate it via Settings App throws and error. Like most large scale cloud vendors (except Azure), AWS use KMS to activate their windows machines, however sometimes the servers need some help to reach the internal KMS servers […]