Occasionally you need to get something done on a remote computer (or a clients computer) but the computer doesn’t have an easy way for you to connect to it. Luckily, if you have admin rights to the remote computer, you can still connect without needing to turn on remote desktop before hand. To do that you will just need to download a little tool called PsExec (Available here). PsExec is a Microsoft tool part of their PsTools, the beauty of it is that it is portable and can be run from anywhere.
Once you have PsExec download you just need to open a command prompt and browse to the folder with psexec.exe. Once the command prompt is open, type in this command and it will enable remote desktop on the machine you specify.
psexec \\machinename reg add “hklm\system\currentcontrolset\control\terminal server” /f /v fDenyTSConnections /t REG_DWORD /d 0
Make sure you replace “machinename” with the computer you are trying to control remotely. Once this command has run you should now be able to connect with the Remote Desktop client (mstsc.exe) to the remote computer.
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